sorry, we have more important shit to worry about at home
Tuesday.01.October.2024 11:41 |
| dock workers in the US went on strike today
>fox news suck my dick. it's the first one i found
it's a strike over them (probably) losing their jobs to automation. for fair compensation and all that.
the union leader, Harold Daggett, has told the us govt the ILA Union would "cripple it all" to prove a point if the govt and union could not agree on a contract - and they haven't.
[edit 12:06pm]
>offered to increase wages more than 50% >rejected LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
• ABC philadelphia - "Dockworkers at Eastern and Gulf ports go on strike, a standoff risking new shortages"
Wednesday.04.September.2024 18:45 |
| jackson
any time i read about the council acting surprised at anything, i die inside. sometimes, jacktown is a lost cause and should be enveloped by the colosseum volcano. others, it's the saddest shit and wasn't always like this.
we lived there for over 20 years and saw it dilapidate into what it is now.
dad likes to talk about when going to jackson meant going to the big city. jackson was a place to visit at one point in time. the capital city of mississippi! when the state fair meant something. now it's a race to the bottom and beyond. politicians being caught by the feds on corruption charges doesn't help at all.
think of frank melton however you want, but he got results. was he corrupt? some say yes, some say no. possibly. shrug. he and his posse got shit done and crime was pretty low and the gangs weren't as pronounced as they are now.